Pokémon Quiz Puzzle Land

ポケモンクイズパズルランド ピカチュウのちょうせん! • Pokémon Quiz Puzzle Land - Pikachu wa Meitantei • ポケモンクイズパズルランド ピカチュウは名たんてい • Pokémon Quiz Puzzle Land Pikachu is a Famous Detective

Origination: Manga
Published: 2008
Status: 📖 Ongoing
Translation: 📖 Ongoing
Ranked: #55,062
Followed by 3 users


The manga focuses on puzzles to get further into the story's plot. The manga centers around Pikachu and his team of Hoenn starters versus a team of Smoochum, Cleffa, and Igglybuff.



The section will unlock when 10 chapters are released.