Tekkon Kinkreet

Black & White β€’ Black and White (MATSUMOTO Taiyou) β€’ Reinforced Concrete β€’ Steel Reinforced Concrete β€’ Tekkon Kinkreet: Black & White β€’ Tekkon Kinkurito β€’ 鉄コン筋クγƒͺγƒΌγƒˆ β€’ A Cidade do Tesouro β€’ Preto e Branco β€’ Tekkonkinkreet β€’ Amer BΓ©ton β€’ TEKKONKINKREET: Black & White

Origination: Manga
Demographic: Seinen
Published: 1993
Status: πŸ“— Completed
Translation: πŸ“— Completed
Final Chapter: Volume 3, Chapter 33
Ranked: #11,862
Followed by 211 users


Orphaned on the mean streets of Treasure Town, lost boys Black and White must mug, steal and fight to survive. Around them moves a world of corruption and loneliness, small-time crooks and neurotic police officers, and a band of sadistic yakuza who have plans for their once-fair city. Can they rise above their environment? Surreal manga influenced by European comics.

More Info

Artists: Matsumoto Taiyou
Authors: Matsumoto Taiyou
Genres: Action, Drama, Psychological
Theme: Supernatural
Publishers: Shogakukan

